Dr. Nathan Orlando

Position: Assistant Professor and Chair
Department: Political Science
Office: St. Benedict Hall 315a
Phone: 913.360.7493
Nathan Orlando is an assistant professor in the department of political science, having joined the Benedictine College faculty in 2020. He is a graduate of Hillsdale College (B.A. in Political Economy and Philosophy & Religion) and Baylor University (M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science). Prior to arriving in Atchison, he held a post-doctoral fellowship in international politics at Saint Vincent College from 2018 to 2020 and was a visiting fellow at their Center for Political and Economic Thought. He has chaired the department since 2022.
Courses Taught:
POLS 1000 – Introduction to American Government
POLS 1100 – Fundamentals of Politics
POLS 2010 – Comparative World Government and Politics
POLS 3010 – European Politics
POLS 3250 – The American Presidency
POLS 3600 – American Foreign Policy
POLS 3700 – Film and Politics
POLS 3980 – Special Topics: Research Seminar on Nuclear Deterrence
POLS 3980 – Special Topics: Grand Strategy
POLS 3980 – Special Topics: Power, Morality, and International Relations
POLS 3980 – Special Topics: Diplomacy: Theory and Practice
POLS 3980 – Special Topics: Ancient Political Theory
POLS 3980 – Special Topics: Marx and his Heirs
POLS 4010 – International Relations
POLS 4800 – Directed and Honors Research
POLS 4950 – Senior Seminar
GNST 1750 – Great Books: Ancient World
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
“Surpassing the Unsurpassable: Jean-Paul Sartre’s Reinterpretation of Marxism,” The Political Science Reviewer 46, no. 2 (2022): 223-258. [journal article]
Raymond Aron and His Dialogues in an Age of Ideologies (New York: Peter Lang, 2023). [book]